Cancom is set to offer the latest in-cab technology
Cancom is bringing onboard computing to Canada with Qualcomm’s newest in-cab technology, the MVPc.
The computer, co-developed by Qualcomm and Symbol Technologies Inc., is designed to integrate with Qualcomm’s current satellite-based OmniTRACS mobile information management system as well as its future terrestrial-based products. Using the common application programming interface of Windows CE, specific business operations such as rolling ETAs, inventory control programs or driver logs can be created and added to a customer’s portfolio without extensive integration and operating issues.
Also, when appropriate software is used, the computer is capable of communicating via Symbol’s Spectrum24 wireless local area network allowing for wireless communication when the vehicle enters an area, such as a terminal yard, that is equipped with a Spectrum24 network.
Tracking and messaging by Internet browser
Transportation management systems provider GeoCom has struck a deal to offer its GeoCom TMS BackOffice software tools to fleets using SaskTel Mobility for tracking and messaging.
As part of the agreement, SaskTel Mobility will offer Web based GeoNav EWWE (Enterprise Wireless Web Edition) that provides tracking and messaging by simply using a browser over the Internet. The system can serve tracking needs (tractor, trailer, reefers and others) as well as different operational needs (TruckLoad, Less than TruckLoad, Pick up and Delivery) through its capacity to seamlessly manage and connect to different wireless networks.
GeoCom TMS will also be providing SaskTel Mobility with other modules of its GeoCom TMS Series BackOffice software tools. These include: TL Manager for Fleet Dispatch & Rating Management, LTL Router for multiple stops/multiple trucks routing, as well as digital maps and integration services.
Web-based auction service is launched for Canada
A new business-to-business Internet service that allows shippers, carriers and consignees to interact directly with each other over the Internet has been launched.
A joint initiative of Toronto-based Valu-Net Corp. and Bid Freight Global,, creates an online auction platform that replaces the role of the traditional broker.
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