US DOT to forge ahead with texting ban for truckers
WASHINGTON — Drive-by-texting will likely be illegal soon enough for truckers and bus drivers in the U.S.
The Department of Transportation wants its Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration branch to begin working on a bill that would ban text messaging and restrict the use of cell phones and possibly other modes of telematics technology while operating a commercial vehicle or passenger bus.
The plan was part of a series of actions announced this by U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood at the conclusion of a two-day summit on distracted driving in Washington, D.C.
Speakers led interactive sessions on a number of key topics including the extent and impact of distracted driving, current research, regulations and best practices.
"We’ll work with the industry on this," he said, but he made it clear that he wants to reduce driver distractions, including onboard computers and hands-free cell phones, as much as possible.
He added that he believes the trucking industry will cooperate. "Look, they get it," he said.
Various media reports published in the U.S. this week inferred that the trucking industry would likely being uncooperative with restrictions on telematics inside the cab. Specifically, a New York Times article drew the ire of the American Trucking Associations.
LaHood also called on state and local governments to work with the DOT to make distracted driving part of their state highway plans.
Meanwhile, President Obama signed an Executive Order directing federal employees not to text while driving government-owned vehicles; when using electronic equipment supplied by the government while driving; or while driving privately owned vehicles when they’re on official government business.
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