Hydra Energy breaks ground on world’s largest hydrogen fueling station
Hydra Energy has broken ground on what it says will be the world’s largest hydrogen refueling station.
It is being built in Prince George, B.C., and will be used to fuel trucks serving the B.C. and Alberta markets. Prince George-based Dymin Mechanical is the first paying customer of Hydra Energy, which provides hydrogen-as-a-service with hybrid retrofits it says substitute 40% of diesel consumption with hydrogen. The hydrogen is assured to be no more costly than diesel.

Sixty-five trucks will call on the fueling station, 12 of which will be run by Dymin Mechanical.
“What’s so important about designing and building our own hydrogen refueling station is that it solidifies a template of how to overcome the chicken and egg problem that has plagued the hydrogen sector. This Prince George station demonstrates that hydrogen can be provided at diesel parity without up-front capital costs for fleets,” said Hydra Energy service delivery lead, Ilya Radetski.
The hydrogen station will be situated on five acres and will produce 3,250 kg of hydrogen a day, capable of filling up to 24 Hydra-converted trucks each hour across four bays. Hydrogen will be produced on-site using two 5-megawatt electrolysers.
The fueling station is expected to be operational in early 2024.
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Eloctrolysis makes hydrogen from water using electricity…. i think lots of the electricity in BC is from hydro dams
This will be a welcome change for the H.D. Trucking industry. Hydra will be world renowned.
Not in my truck! Has it ever been tested in a Canadian 40 below winter?
It’s too bad they don’t give more details. If they can fuel up to 24 trucks an hour that would be 576 trucks a day. But at 3250 kg hydrogen per day production capacity, that leaves just over 5.5 kgs hydrogen per truck which I would think is an insignificant amount. So say they only fuel 10 trucks per hour. That would still only give 13.5 kgs per truck if they fuel 24 hours per day. I don’t know how much energy there is a kg of hydrogen, but I would guess it’s not a whole lot more than diesel. And 13.5 kg diesel is less than 16 litres, not a whole lot for a highway tractor.
Agreed. Easy to claim cost parody but lets see the numbers.
how or what will this hydrogen be made from ? I hope not oil . that would be counter productive. if doing directly from water and renewable energy . that is fantastic