Labor shortage, phasing out of fossil fuels to shape industry over next decade

by Today's Trucking

A poll of Canadian trucking executives conducted by Nanos for the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) suggests the phasing out of fossil fuels and the labor shortage will dominate trucking over the next decade.

The majority, 23 out of 36, said the electrification of the trucking industry will be the top change over the next 10 years.

Volvo charger
(File photo: Volvo Trucks North America)

The CTA says it’s working with government to develop programs and pilots to get zero-emissions trucks into the field.

In the shorter-term, the CTA is pushing for projects that will help fleets reduce idling, reduce emissions from refrigerated trailers, and have shippers and receivers install blowers/vacuums at their facilities so they don’t have to be diesel-powered on-board vehicles. 

Fourteen of 36 respondents said the labor shortage will be the biggest issue over the next 10 years. Trucking HR Canada reports the trucking industry is short 23,000 drivers now, and that number is expected to climb to 55,000 by 2024.

The CTA feels this can be improved by providing more sustained driver training funding, immigration programs and enforcement against Driver Inc. fleets, which misclassify drivers as independent contractors.

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  • Pay drivers fairly and look.after sick injured disabled truck drivers. I and others camped out and no one from the CTA or gov has fixed the problem of disabled truck drivers not getting properly cared for. Until the care issue is Taken care of. No company in transportation should be able to bring in foreign drivers.