US fleet slashes idling using Idle Smart system

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LEAWOOD, Kan. — An American fleet says it has reduced its idle time from 47% to 18% using the Idle Smart automatic engine start/stop system.

WilMar Trucking says after achieving the impressive idle reduction, it’ll be deploying the system across its entire fleet.

Idle Smart continuously monitors interior and ambient temperatures and starts and stops a vehicle to maintain the desired cabin temperature and reduce fuel consumption.

“We started using Idle Smart a few months ago on three over-the-road trucks,” said Josh Maness, safety manager at WilMar Trucking. “Idle time has been a big issue in our operation and we’re always looking for ways to improve fuel economy, so we tried Idle Smart and had great results. In the first truck, idle time dropped from 47% to 18%. Based on that result, we added Idle Smart to another two trucks immediately, and we’re going to deploy the rest of our fleet over the next few months.”

The test was conducted over winter months and the Alabama-based carrier expects the results to be even greater during the summer.

The company is choosing the Battery Protect feature, which continuously monitors voltage levels and starts the truck when required to recharge the batteries.

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