Eaton expands warranty coverage on remanufactured transmissions
GALESBURG, Mich. — Eaton has announced three-year warranty coverage is now available on its Standard and Flex Reman remanufactured transmissions across all vocations.
Previously, only linehaul transmissions were eligible for three-year coverage. The additional year of warranty coverage is available with the purchase and installation of an Eaton Advantage Series clutch and Roadranger-approved lubricant, the company announced.
“Based on the initial success and excellent reception that we have been receiving from our linehaul customers, we decided to extend the industry’s best aftermarket warranty coverage to all applications,” said Bill Fouch, aftermarket marketing manager for Eaton’s transmission business. “We are also confident that the strength and reliability of our Advantage Series clutches and Roadranger-approved lubricants will give our transmissions the necessary protection that is needed in some of the most demanding vocational applications.”
Eaton says its remanufactured transmissions boast nearly 20% more new parts than most other remanufactured transmissions on the market. They also use OEM-quality parts and undergo performance testing to ensure Eaton standards and specifications are met.
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