Peterbilt Ontario Truck Centres throws a party at Whitby location

WHITBY, Ont. — Peterbilt Ontario Truck Centres celebrated an open house at its Whitby dealership June 7, attracting about 750 people who were treated to a concert by the Road Hammers.

The winning truck in the show'n'shine was this beaut entered by Joseph Haulage.
The winning truck in the show’n’shine was this beaut entered by Joseph Haulage.

A barbecue was held, with proceeds going towards Trucking for a Cure. More than $1,200 was raised. The dealership also played host to a show’n’shine, featuring a dozen or so decked-out Peterbilt trucks.

The winner was Joseph Haulage, with second place going to Trojan Carriers and Quinte Mobile taking third place honours.

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James Menzies is editor of Today's Trucking. He has been covering the Canadian trucking industry for more than 20 years and holds a CDL. Reach him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter at @JamesMenzies.

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  • I live in Whitby and I am a champion for events and businesses in Whitby.
    Why is it that I only heard about this after the event was over?
    I would have loved to attend, or tell others about it…. but I had no idea that it was happening.
    Shame on, the trucking industry and local Whitby/Durham media for not bringing awareness.
    We need to support our local business and grow Whitby/Durham.
    Really disappointed.

    • I am also a Whitby resident and I heard about this event on the local radio for over 2 weeks ahead of time. I think these Peterbilt guys did a great job getting the word out. I was there, the dealership did a great job and the Road Hammers rocked

  • John Doe, why are you so surprised. Don’t blame Trucker’s News. This is just a shining example of Of the lack of customer service at Peterbilt in Ontario…