The North American Council for Freight Efficiency’s (NACFE) is hosting a trucking efficiency workshop June 26. Yes, it’s in Little Rock Arkansas, but it looks like that if you can get yourself there, you’ll find the event to be worthwhile.
The event will be held June 26 and will focus on four technologies that can deliver proven fuel savings. These include: tire pressure monitoring systems; 6×2 axles (don’t get me started!); idle reduction solutions; and automated transmissions.
From NACFE executive director Mike Roeth: “The workshops are highly interactive events where representatives from trucking fleets, tractor and trailer builders, component suppliers, and others, roll up their sleeves and openly discuss — even debate — the advantages and challenges of adopting various technologies.”
Fleets attending will include: Bison Transport, CR England, Frito Lay, Maverick, Ryder, UPS, USExpress, and Werner. Read more, or register to attend, here.
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