Transrapide ceases trucking operations to focus on warehousing
After 10 years in business, Levis-based Groupe Transrapide has announced it is ending its trucking operations to focus on warehousing.
“We are now reorienting our transportation activities to become a company that exclusively offers warehousing in Levis,” management announced on its Facebook page. “Since transportation is not our specialty, management has decided to refocus its energies on a better known product, namely real estate.”
The company stresses that all employees have been informed of the news and says that “although the job market is advantageous for them, we have put resources in place to help them find new employment with partner companies.”
Transrapide is part of the Huot Group, which operates more than 50 businesses in 20 industries, including property management, construction, food service and airborne medical rescue.
In an October 2021 issue of Transport Routier, the company said it had 70 power units and that warehousing was “a niche that has exploded for Transrapide Distribution Center.” The company was in the second phase of a four-phase warehouse development project that was scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2022.
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