Comments on: Teamsters, B.C. container commissioner square off Trucking news from the editors of Today's Trucking Mon, 25 Dec 2023 02:05:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Harminder Singh Shergill/ Harmen Mon, 25 Dec 2023 02:05:24 +0000 Hi my name is Harmen Shergill i am a X UTA Director who has been working on and off Ports for last 30 Plus yrs I am a Activist who fought for Truckers Rights for Fair pay for Drivers and Owner Operators at one time I owned NN Holdings Ltd.I would personally Request Commissioner Glen to set Port Rates Apply to all Non Port Trucking companies who are operating 53ft Intermodals/ CP & CN Rail Yards in order to eliminate the under cut from Non Port Trucking Companies.Setting up Port Rates Apply to all Non Port Licenced Trucking Companies will bring the stability to the 53ft Intermodal / CP & CN Rail industry.
It’s not fair to the 53ft Intermodals Industry to work for Less affordable rates in order to bring stability to the Intermodal industry Commissioner Glen should look into inforcing the Port Rates Apply to all Local Rail Yards cus Local Intermodals Fall Under Commissioner’s Jurisdiction i hope moving forward Commissioner’s Office will look into bringing Stability to the 53ft Intermodal industry.

By: John wihksen Tue, 19 Dec 2023 22:03:16 +0000 Hi Kristina-container hauling is dominated by a union organized by Indian people not the Teamsters,rates for trucking were cut below average by their union excluding other Canadians.

By: Stephen Webster Fri, 15 Dec 2023 17:22:16 +0000 In Vancouver the min wage should be tiered to $21.5] hr at age 21 if the employer has 5 or more employees over the age of 19. A study in 2006 said local truck driver should make 1.6 time min after having 5000 hrs experience and O T R should make 1.9 times min wage. To support a family in Vancouver or most of ont a local truck driver needs to gross $1800 wl on payroll and Take home after taxes of about $1 440 a week
Any trucking companies not will to pay over $30 hr should not get any foreign students as truck drivers.
