Comments on: A united trucking industry is a stronger trucking industry Trucking news from the editors of Today's Trucking Wed, 10 Jan 2024 17:48:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: James B Perry Wed, 10 Jan 2024 17:48:52 +0000 There is a major problem in trucking the pay is pretty much the same for over the road long haul TL driver as it was 25 years ago with more time in the truck better pay structure needs to happen to much free time given to carriers and customers only job I know that is allowed by law for that to happen @@@ if you do the math most don’t make minimum wage!!! There is no trucker shortage just a need for drivers to flood the market for big carriers to keep their trucks moving at low wages!! The media sends false information about trucking to keep new drivers flowing to the industry and most don’t stay 98% turn over rate it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that there is a major problem and scam society in this industry created by greed and big corporations and lobbying politiics!!!

By: Stephen Webster Wed, 10 Jan 2024 17:12:46 +0000 Well said the C T A needs to have much lower membership fees with those fleets with under 20 trucks and to get owner ops to join
When I and other people pushed for improvements for truck drivers and lease ops we were sending one message and the C T A seemed to be sending a different message
I have seen to many people come in as foreign ( students) become truck drivers or lease ops without proper protection when they get sick or injured or try to get their pay that is owed to them in their opinion
.I know we need to work with health care workers and the truck drivers to make truck drivers safer and live longer. As for bringing in immigrants we need to be careful unless a plan is in place to figure out how to solve the shortage of truck parking and short term housing
When covid hit homeless shelters started to turn away sick truck drivers and I see too many truck drivers without housing many are here on work permits. I have seen over 20 lease ops walk away from the lease to purchase that was co signed by the companies they were leased to and go are going back to India. These are good people with young children that are going tell everyone they know to not come to Canada to drive truck
