Comments on: Economic Trucking Trends: More ‘rough sledding’ ahead, trailer orders plunge Trucking news from the editors of Today's Trucking Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:24:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stephen Webster Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:24:16 +0000 In March of 2021 and again in March of 2022 we said we should limit foreign drivers from lower wage countries to 1 month permit to bring their license upto standards and a 8 month work permit from April to December 15 of 2021 and again of 2022
We said we did not have enough housing for these truck drivers to bring their family in
We need a plan like the U K and Holland are doing that imported workers or foreign students that switch to truck drivers must make at least $25 hr plus medical coverage after they have been driving in Canada 8 months
We also need a plan that all the foreign workers families have housing if employers want to sponsor or keep those workers in Canada. This was predicted that a surplus of trucks and drivers would cause many more people to become homeless who worked in transportation or their children. I volunteer at a homeless tent encampment
Our big help comes froma membership based co when red stripes on the warehouse
