CHILLIWACK, B.C. — RCMP in Chilliwack are warning motorists that someone is throwing objects off the Gibson Road overpass on to the Hwy. 1 traffic below.
The first problem arose Dec. 27, when an unknown object was thrown off the overpass on to a 2000 Mazda Protege. No one was injured but the driver was shaken up, says an RCMP spokesman.
Then on Thursday, two plastic jugs full of juice were thrown off the same overpass, hitting a 1996 Chev Blazer and a 2001 Honda Prelude.
No one was hurt, but again RCMP said the drivers were very shaken. It has RCMP concerned there could be a serious accident. This is not the first time vandals have pulled such stunts.
The worst incident happened near Nanaimo on Feb. 21, 1999, when a boulder was dropped on to the Nanaimo Parkway from an overpass. A man in a vehicle suffered a fractured skull and broken collarbone.
A 17–year-old boy pleaded guilty to criminal negligence after admitting he dropped the boulder on to the vehicle.
— The Province
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