BlackBerry’s H2M IS targets hazardous materials carriers
Intelligent software and security provider BlackBerry is launching a new series of BlackBerry Radar devices – H2M IS- for hazardous materials carriers. The series is backed by an “Intrinsically Safe” certification designation, targeting target transportation and logistics companies that move hazardous materials, including fuel haulers, tank carriers, ocean shipping lines and railroads.
“BlackBerry Radar devices are extremely reliable and robust, even in extreme conditions such as dirt, snow, or high temperatures. The new series takes that one step further, providing peace of mind to hazardous materials carriers in the oil and gas, chemicals and agricultural sectors,” said Christopher Plaat, SVP and GM, BlackBerry Radar.
BlackBerry Radar provides near real-time information through an intuitive dashboard. All data is transmitted and stored securely on a cloud platform. The device’s augmentations include sensor readings that provide information on cargo status, railcar brake status, and impact events.
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