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DETROIT, Mich. — Detroit Diesel has begun selling a new exhaust aftertreatment system, developed in cooperation with Englehard Corp.

The system is the result of a joint venture between the two companies and integrates Engelhard’s aftertreatment technology with Detroit Diesel’s Electronic Controls.

The system, called Emitless, “significantly reduces emissions of particulate matter from diesel engines,” the companies say in a press release.

Emitless functions as a muffler and also cleans the exhaust gasses using a proprietary catalyst and a particulate filter. The filter can reduce particulate emissions by up to 90 per cent, when combined with low sulfur diesel fuel.

Under normal operating conditions, the filter continually self-regenerates, cleaning itself without external controls or heating devices, say the companies.

In addition, Emitless also substantially reduces hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions.

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