Comments on: New Ontario towing regulations coming in January Trucking news from the editors of Today's Trucking Fri, 01 Dec 2023 22:57:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stephen webster Fri, 01 Dec 2023 22:57:38 +0000 In reply to Dennis Roberts.

Gov should pay at least 50 percent of your insurance costs. in ont and Quebec. I know of many good fair towing companies. I also seen some very corrupt towing companies often connect to a body or repair shop. We need gov insurance like B C and Manitoba has for all towing companies that agree do first response and for trucking companies under 99 trucks that will carry passengers to remote parts of Canada.

By: Dennis Roberts Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:52:50 +0000 Once again the tow industry is being thrown under the bus. The vast majority of tow companies are honest and ethical operators, yet we all get lumped in with the bad apples. The fact that the government has let the abuses continue for so long is due to one thing and one thing only, They could give a rat’s ass about the customer, all they want is to get their road open (and accept no responsibility for those costs). There is NO GUARANTEE of payment when a tow truck heads to a call dispatched by the OPP or MTO. Yes, there is a facility wherein the MTO will assist a company in getting paid (on heavy calls only) but it is not as simple as submitting an invoice and collecting a chk. There is no doubt that abuses happen, however it works both ways, a 20-30% unpaid is abuse! Let me ask you this, if your employer told you had to work Monday to Friday but were only getting paid Wednesday to Friday what would you tell them?
I operate a small company in Northern Ontario, my unpaid invoices from OPP calls floats around 20-30%, explain to me how I maintain a million dollars worth of equipment, to open a road which I neither own nor maintain when I only get paid for 75% of what I do!! The recent announcement by the Ontario government that will allow motorists to opt out of Direct Compensation Property Damage DCPD will mean hundreds more abandoned vehicles that tow companies will be expected to remove from the roads and absorb the cost of removal. It has gotten to the point for our company that, as of Jan1/24, when the DCPD option comes into affect we will no longer accept OPP tow requests unless we are assured payment.
