B.C. suspends trucking company’s operations after overpass crash
B.C. authorities have suspended a trucking company’s ability to operate in the province after a truck collided with an overpass on Dec. 28.
“This suspension is a result of the company’s unwillingness or inability to operate safely within the province, following its sixth infrastructure crash in two years,” Rob Fleming, minister of transportation and infrastructure, said in a statement.
Drive B.C. said the incident, which happened south of Vancouver just after noon, blocked traffic in both directions on the 112th Street overpass on Highway 99 in Delta. The highway was closed overnight for cleanup and reopened in the early hours of Dec. 29.
“This needs to stop. We know that the vast majority of commercial drivers in B.C. operate safely and responsibly. However, some operators are not getting the message,” Fleming said.
“In the interest of public safety, B.C.’s Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement branch (CVSE) has used its new powers to suspend the safety certificate for Chohan Freight Forwarders Ltd.
Minister warns of further action
“This means the company’s entire fleet of 65 commercial vehicles will be unable to operate in B.C. as of 4:30 p.m. (Pacific time) on Friday, Dec. 29, 2023. Furthermore, the driver and the carrier responsible will face the toughest fines in the country. The outcome of the investigation could lead to further action,” he added.
The province announced new rules on Dec. 14 to prevent truck drivers from crashing into highway infrastructure.
Trucking companies involved in infrastructure crashes will see stronger consequences that escalate for repeat offences, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure said. In cases where a company has a history of non-compliance, including previous infrastructure crashes, enforcement measures will become increasingly severe.
This includes potential suspension and possible cancellation of a company’s carrier safety certificate, essentially preventing their operation in B.C.
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Someone buy those guys a tape measure.